With their extensive experience, CBS has earned a reputation for professional integrity, flexible and personalized service and the ability to quickly identify areas of concern within a client’s books. CBS will keep you on track. They will help you identify the best financial reports to use for tracking your income and expenses. Knowing and understanding your numbers provides you with peace of mind, gives you control, and enables you to make informed decisions.

CBS works with the client’s CPA by ensuring they receive updated and reconciled financials on a periodic or as-needed basis for tax planning purposes. Any areas of concern are quickly identified and discussed with the client and/or CPA when necessary.

Financial records that are set up correctly from the inception of your business or the start of your tax year can be a strong tool for measurement and growth. These records measure the pulse of a business and provide a snapshot of its financial health.

CBS alleviates the stress of maintaining your own bookkeeping, can reduce personnel costs, and provides another set of eyes to ensure accuracy.